Source code for instagram_private_api.endpoints.upload

import json
import time
from random import randint
import re
import warnings

from ..compat import (
    compat_urllib_error, compat_urllib_request,
from ..errors import ErrorHandler, ClientError, ClientConnectionError
from ..http import MultipartFormDataEncoder
from ..utils import (
    max_chunk_count_generator, max_chunk_size_generator,
from ..compatpatch import ClientCompatPatch
from .common import ClientDeprecationWarning
from .common import MediaTypes
from socket import timeout, error as SocketError
from ssl import SSLError
    ConnectionError = ConnectionError       # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
except NameError:  # Python 2:
    class ConnectionError(Exception):

[docs]class MediaRatios(object): """ Class holding valid aspect ratios (width: height) for media uploads. """ # Based on IG sampling # and from #: Acceptable min, max values of with/height ratios for a standard media upload standard = 4.0 / 5.0, 90.0 / 47.0 __device_ratios = [(3, 4), (2, 3), (5, 8), (3, 5), (9, 16), (10, 16), (40, 71)] __aspect_ratios = [1.0 * x[0] / x[1] for x in __device_ratios] #: Acceptable min, max values of with/height ratios for a story upload reel = min(__aspect_ratios), max(__aspect_ratios)
class UploadEndpointsMixin(object): """For endpoints relating to upload functionality.""" EXTERNAL_LOC_SOURCES = { 'foursquare': 'foursquare_v2_id', 'facebook_places': 'facebook_places_id', 'facebook_events': 'facebook_events_id' } def _validate_location(self, location): """ Validates and patches a location dict for use with the upload functions :param location: dict containing location info :return: """ location_keys = ['external_source', 'name', 'address'] if not isinstance(location, dict): raise ValueError('Location must be a dict.') # patch location object returned from location_search if 'external_source' not in location and 'external_id_source' in location and 'external_id' in location: external_source = location['external_id_source'] location['external_source'] = external_source if external_source in self.EXTERNAL_LOC_SOURCES: location[self.EXTERNAL_LOC_SOURCES[external_source]] = location['external_id'] for k in location_keys: if not location.get(k): raise ValueError('Location dict must contain "{0!s}".'.format(k)) for k, val in self.EXTERNAL_LOC_SOURCES.items(): if location['external_source'] == k and not location.get(val): raise ValueError('Location dict must contain "{0!s}".'.format(val)) media_loc = { 'name': location['name'], 'address': location['lat'], 'external_source': location['external_source'], } if 'lat' in location and 'lng' in location: media_loc['lat'] = location['lat'] media_loc['lng'] = location['lng'] for k, val in self.EXTERNAL_LOC_SOURCES.items(): if location['external_source'] == k: media_loc['external_source'] = k media_loc[val] = location[val] return media_loc @staticmethod def standard_ratios(): # pragma: no cover """ Deprecated. Use MediaRatios.standard instead. Acceptable min, max values of with/height ratios for a standard media upload :return: tuple of (min. ratio, max. ratio) """ warnings.warn( 'Client.standard_ratios() is deprecated. ' 'Please use MediaRatios.standard instead.', ClientDeprecationWarning ) return MediaRatios.standard @staticmethod def reel_ratios(): # pragma: no cover """ Deprecated. Use MediaRatios.reel instead. Acceptable min, max values of with/height ratios for a story upload :return: tuple of (min. ratio, max. ratio) """ warnings.warn( 'Client.reel_ratios() is deprecated. ' 'Please use MediaRatios.reel instead.', ClientDeprecationWarning ) return MediaRatios.reel @classmethod def compatible_aspect_ratio(cls, size): """ Helper method to check aspect ratio for standard uploads :param size: tuple of (width, height) :return: True/False """ min_ratio, max_ratio = MediaRatios.standard width, height = size this_ratio = 1.0 * width / height return min_ratio <= this_ratio <= max_ratio @classmethod def reel_compatible_aspect_ratio(cls, size): """ Helper method to check aspect ratio for story uploads :param size: tuple of (width, height) :return: True/False """ min_ratio, max_ratio = MediaRatios.reel width, height = size this_ratio = 1.0 * width / height return min_ratio <= this_ratio <= max_ratio def configure(self, upload_id, size, caption='', location=None, disable_comments=False, is_sidecar=False): """ Finalises a photo upload. This should not be called directly. Use :meth:`post_photo` instead. :param upload_id: :param size: tuple of (width, height) :param caption: :param location: a dict of venue/location information, from :meth:`location_search` or :meth:`location_fb_search` :param disable_comments: :param is_sidecar: bool flag for album upload :return: """ if not self.compatible_aspect_ratio(size): raise ValueError('Incompatible aspect ratio.') endpoint = 'media/configure/' width, height = size params = { 'caption': caption, 'media_folder': 'Instagram', 'source_type': '4', 'upload_id': upload_id, 'device': { 'manufacturer': self.phone_manufacturer, 'model': self.phone_device, 'android_version': self.android_version, 'android_release': self.android_release }, 'edits': { 'crop_original_size': [width * 1.0, height * 1.0], 'crop_center': [0.0, -0.0], 'crop_zoom': 1.0 }, 'extra': { 'source_width': width, 'source_height': height, } } if location: media_loc = self._validate_location(location) params['location'] = json.dumps(media_loc) if 'lat' in location and 'lng' in location: params['geotag_enabled'] = '1' params['exif_latitude'] = '0.0' params['exif_longitude'] = '0.0' params['posting_latitude'] = str(location['lat']) params['posting_longitude'] = str(location['lng']) params['media_latitude'] = str(location['lat']) params['media_latitude'] = str(location['lng']) if disable_comments: params['disable_comments'] = '1' if is_sidecar: return params params.update(self.authenticated_params) res = self._call_api(endpoint, params=params) if self.auto_patch and res.get('media'):'media'), drop_incompat_keys=self.drop_incompat_keys) return res def configure_video(self, upload_id, size, duration, thumbnail_data, caption='', location=None, disable_comments=False, is_sidecar=False): """ Finalises a video upload. This should not be called directly. Use :meth:`post_video` instead. :param upload_id: :param size: tuple of (width, height) :param duration: in seconds :param thumbnail_data: byte string of thumbnail photo :param caption: :param location: a dict of venue/location information, from :meth:`location_search` or :meth:`location_fb_search` :param disable_comments: :param is_sidecar: bool flag for album upload :return: """ if not self.compatible_aspect_ratio(size): raise ValueError('Incompatible aspect ratio.') # upload video thumbnail self.post_photo(thumbnail_data, size, caption, upload_id, location=location, disable_comments=disable_comments, is_sidecar=is_sidecar) width, height = size params = { 'upload_id': upload_id, 'caption': caption, 'source_type': '3', 'poster_frame_index': 0, 'length': duration * 1.0, 'audio_muted': False, 'filter_type': '0', 'video_result': 'deprecated', 'clips': { 'length': duration * 1.0, 'source_type': '3', 'camera_position': 'back' }, 'device': { 'manufacturer': self.phone_manufacturer, 'model': self.phone_device, 'android_version': self.android_version, 'android_release': self.android_release }, 'extra': { 'source_width': width, 'source_height': height } } if disable_comments: params['disable_comments'] = '1' if location: media_loc = self._validate_location(location) params['location'] = json.dumps(media_loc) if 'lat' in location and 'lng' in location: params['geotag_enabled'] = '1' params['av_latitude'] = '0.0' params['av_longitude'] = '0.0' params['posting_latitude'] = str(location['lat']) params['posting_longitude'] = str(location['lng']) params['media_latitude'] = str(location['lat']) params['media_latitude'] = str(location['lng']) if is_sidecar: return params params.update(self.authenticated_params) res = self._call_api('media/configure/', params=params, query={'video': 1}) if res.get('media') and self.auto_patch:'media'), drop_incompat_keys=self.drop_incompat_keys) return res def configure_to_reel(self, upload_id, size): """ Finalises a photo story upload. This should not be called directly. Use :meth:`post_photo_story` instead. :param upload_id: :param size: tuple of (width, height) :return: """ if not self.reel_compatible_aspect_ratio(size): raise ValueError('Incompatible aspect ratio.') endpoint = 'media/configure_to_story/' width, height = size params = { 'source_type': '4', 'upload_id': upload_id, 'story_media_creation_date': str(int(time.time()) - randint(11, 20)), 'client_shared_at': str(int(time.time()) - randint(3, 10)), 'client_timestamp': str(int(time.time())), 'configure_mode': 1, # 1 - REEL_SHARE, 2 - DIRECT_STORY_SHARE 'device': { 'manufacturer': self.phone_manufacturer, 'model': self.phone_device, 'android_version': self.android_version, 'android_release': self.android_release }, 'edits': { 'crop_original_size': [width * 1.0, height * 1.0], 'crop_center': [0.0, 0.0], 'crop_zoom': 1.3333334 }, 'extra': { 'source_width': width, 'source_height': height, } } params.update(self.authenticated_params) res = self._call_api(endpoint, params=params) if self.auto_patch and res.get('media'):'media'), drop_incompat_keys=self.drop_incompat_keys) return res def configure_video_to_reel(self, upload_id, size, duration, thumbnail_data): """ Finalises a video story upload. This should not be called directly. Use :meth:`post_video_story` instead. :param upload_id: :param size: tuple of (width, height) :param duration: in seconds :param thumbnail_data: byte string of thumbnail photo :return: """ if not self.reel_compatible_aspect_ratio(size): raise ValueError('Incompatible aspect ratio.') res = self.post_photo(thumbnail_data, size, '', upload_id=upload_id, to_reel=True) width, height = size params = { 'source_type': '4', 'upload_id': upload_id, 'story_media_creation_date': str(int(time.time()) - randint(11, 20)), 'client_shared_at': str(int(time.time()) - randint(3, 10)), 'client_timestamp': str(int(time.time())), 'configure_mode': 1, # 1 - REEL_SHARE, 2 - DIRECT_STORY_SHARE 'poster_frame_index': 0, 'length': duration * 1.0, 'audio_muted': False, 'filter_type': '0', 'video_result': 'deprecated', 'clips': { 'length': duration * 1.0, 'source_type': '4', 'camera_position': 'back' }, 'device': { 'manufacturer': self.phone_manufacturer, 'model': self.phone_device, 'android_version': self.android_version, 'android_release': self.android_release }, 'extra': { 'source_width': width, 'source_height': height, }, } params.update(self.authenticated_params) res = self._call_api('media/configure_to_story/', params=params, query={'video': '1'}) if self.auto_patch and res.get('media'):'media'), drop_incompat_keys=self.drop_incompat_keys) return res def post_photo(self, photo_data, size, caption='', upload_id=None, to_reel=False, **kwargs): """ Upload a photo. [CAUTION] FLAKY, IG is very finicky about sizes, etc, needs testing. :param photo_data: byte string of the image :param size: tuple of (width, height) :param caption: :param upload_id: :param to_reel: a Story photo :param kwargs: - **location**: a dict of venue/location information, from :meth:`location_search` or :meth:`location_fb_search` - **disable_comments**: bool to disable comments :return: """ warnings.warn('This endpoint has not been fully tested.', UserWarning) # if upload_id is provided, it's a thumbnail for a vid upload for_video = True if upload_id else False if not for_video: if not to_reel and not self.compatible_aspect_ratio(size): raise ValueError('Incompatible aspect ratio.') if to_reel and not self.reel_compatible_aspect_ratio(size): raise ValueError('Incompatible reel aspect ratio.') if not 320 <= size[0] <= 1080: # range from raise ValueError('Invalid image width.') location = kwargs.pop('location', None) if location: self._validate_location(location) disable_comments = True if kwargs.pop('disable_comments', False) else False is_sidecar = kwargs.pop('is_sidecar', False) if not upload_id: upload_id = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) endpoint = 'upload/photo/' fields = [ ('upload_id', upload_id), ('_uuid', self.uuid), ('_csrftoken', self.csrftoken), ('image_compression', '{"lib_name":"jt","lib_version":"1.3.0","quality":"87"}') ] if is_sidecar: fields.append(('is_sidecar', '1')) if for_video: fields.append(('media_type', MediaTypes.VIDEO)) files = [ ('photo', 'pending_media_{0!s}{1!s}'.format(str(int(time.time() * 1000)), '.jpg'), 'application/octet-stream', photo_data) ] content_type, body = MultipartFormDataEncoder().encode(fields, files) headers = self.default_headers headers['Content-Type'] = content_type headers['Content-Length'] = len(body) endpoint_url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.api_url.format(version='v1'), endpoint) req = compat_urllib_request.Request(endpoint_url, body, headers=headers) try: self.logger.debug('POST {0!s}'.format(endpoint_url)) response =, timeout=self.timeout) except compat_urllib_error.HTTPError as e: error_response = self._read_response(e) self.logger.debug('RESPONSE: {0:d} {1!s}'.format(e.code, error_response)) ErrorHandler.process(e, error_response) except (SSLError, timeout, SocketError, compat_urllib_error.URLError, # URLError is base of HTTPError compat_http_client.HTTPException) as connection_error: raise ClientConnectionError('{} {}'.format( connection_error.__class__.__name__, str(connection_error))) post_response = self._read_response(response) self.logger.debug('RESPONSE: {0:d} {1!s}'.format(response.code, post_response)) json_response = json.loads(post_response) if for_video and is_sidecar: return json_response upload_id = json_response['upload_id'] # # NOTES: Logging traffic doesn't seem to indicate any additional "configure" after upload # # BUT not doing a "configure" causes a video post to fail with a # # "Other media configure error: b'yEmZkUpAj4'" error # if for_video: # logger.debug('Skip photo configure.') # return json_response if to_reel: return self.configure_to_reel(upload_id, size) else: return self.configure(upload_id, size, caption=caption, location=location, disable_comments=disable_comments, is_sidecar=is_sidecar) def post_video(self, video_data, size, duration, thumbnail_data, caption='', to_reel=False, **kwargs): """ Upload a video [CAUTION] FLAKY, IG is very picky about sizes, etc, needs testing. :param video_data: byte string or a file-like object of the video content :param size: tuple of (width, height) :param duration: in seconds :param thumbnail_data: byte string of the video thumbnail content :param caption: :param to_reel: post to reel as Story :param kwargs: - **location**: a dict of venue/location information, from :meth:`location_search` or :meth:`location_fb_search` - **disable_comments**: bool to disable comments - **max_retry_count**: maximum attempts to reupload. Default 10. :return: """ warnings.warn('This endpoint has not been fully tested.', UserWarning) if not to_reel and not self.compatible_aspect_ratio(size): raise ValueError('Incompatible aspect ratio.') if to_reel and not self.reel_compatible_aspect_ratio(size): raise ValueError('Incompatible reel aspect ratio.') if not 612 <= size[0] <= 1080: # range was determined through sampling of video uploads raise ValueError('Invalid video width.') if duration < 3.0: raise ValueError('Duration is less than 3s.') if not to_reel and duration > 60.0: raise ValueError('Duration is more than 60s.') if to_reel and duration > 15.0: raise ValueError('Duration is more than 15s.') max_file_len = 50 * 1024 * 1000 try: video_file_len = len(video_data) except TypeError: video_file_len = get_file_size(video_data) if video_file_len > max_file_len: raise ValueError('Video file is too big.') location = kwargs.pop('location', None) if location: self._validate_location(location) disable_comments = True if kwargs.pop('disable_comments', False) else False endpoint = 'upload/video/' upload_id = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) width, height = size params = { '_csrftoken': self.csrftoken, '_uuid': self.uuid, 'upload_id': upload_id, } is_sidecar = kwargs.pop('is_sidecar', False) if is_sidecar: params['is_sidecar'] = '1' else: params.update({ 'media_type': MediaTypes.VIDEO, 'upload_media_duration_ms': int(duration * 1000), 'upload_media_width': width, 'upload_media_height': height }) res = self._call_api(endpoint, params=params, unsigned=True) upload_url = res['video_upload_urls'][-1]['url'] upload_job = res['video_upload_urls'][-1]['job'] successful_chunk_ranges = [] all_done = False max_retry_count = kwargs.pop('max_retry_count', 10) configure_delay = 0 for _ in range(max_retry_count + 1): try: # Prevent excessively small chunks if video_file_len > 1 * 1024 * 1000: # max num of chunks = 4 chunk_generator = max_chunk_count_generator(4, video_data) else: # max chunk size = 350,000 so that we'll always have # <4 chunks when it's <1mb chunk_generator = max_chunk_size_generator(350000, video_data) for chunk, data in chunk_generator: skip_chunk = False for received_chunk in successful_chunk_ranges: if received_chunk[0] <= chunk.start and received_chunk[1] >= (chunk.end - 1): skip_chunk = True break if skip_chunk: self.logger.debug('Skipped chunk: {0:d} - {1:d}'.format(chunk.start, chunk.end - 1)) continue headers = self.default_headers headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=""' headers['Session-ID'] = upload_id if is_sidecar: headers['Cookie'] = 'sessionid=' + self.get_cookie_value('sessionid') headers['job'] = upload_job headers['Content-Length'] = chunk.length headers['Content-Range'] = 'bytes {0:d}-{1:d}/{2:d}'.format( chunk.start, chunk.end - 1, video_file_len) self.logger.debug('POST {0!s}'.format(upload_url)) self.logger.debug('Uploading Content-Range: {0!s}'.format(headers['Content-Range'])) req = compat_urllib_request.Request( str(upload_url), data=data, headers=headers) try: res =, timeout=self.timeout) post_response = self._read_response(res) self.logger.debug('RESPONSE: {0:d} {1!s}'.format(res.code, post_response)) if'Content-Type', '').startswith('application/json'): # last chunk upload_res = json.loads(post_response) configure_delay = int(upload_res.get('configure_delay_ms', 0)) / 1000.0 all_done = True break else: successful_chunk_ranges = [] post_progress = post_response.split(',') for progress in post_progress: mobj = re.match(r'(?P<start>[0-9]+)\-(?P<end>[0-9]+)/(?P<total>[0-9]+)', progress) if mobj: successful_chunk_ranges.append((int('start')), int('end')))) else: self.logger.error( 'Received unexpected chunk upload response: {0!s}'.format(post_response)) raise ClientError( 'Upload has failed due to unexpected upload response: {0!s}'.format( post_response), code=500) except compat_urllib_error.HTTPError as e: error_response = self._read_response(e) self.logger.debug('RESPONSE: {0:d} {1!s}'.format(e.code, error_response)) ErrorHandler.process(e, error_response) except (SSLError, timeout, SocketError, compat_urllib_error.URLError, # URLError is base of HTTPError compat_http_client.HTTPException) as connection_error: raise ClientConnectionError('{} {}'.format( connection_error.__class__.__name__, str(connection_error))) else: # if not break due to completed chunks then continue with next chunk continue break except ClientConnectionError as cce: # connectivity prob, so let's just continue with another attempt self.logger.warn('ClientConnectionError posting chunks: {}'.format( str(cce))) continue if not all_done: raise ClientError('Upload has failed due to incomplete chunk uploads.', code=500) if not configure_delay: configure_delay = 3 configure_retry_max = 2 for i in range(1, configure_retry_max + 1): try: if not to_reel: result = self.configure_video( upload_id, size, duration, thumbnail_data, caption=caption, location=location, disable_comments=disable_comments, is_sidecar=is_sidecar) else: result = self.configure_video_to_reel( upload_id, size, duration, thumbnail_data) return result except ClientConnectionError as cce: if i < configure_retry_max: self.logger.warn( 'Retry configure after {0:f} seconds: {1:s}'.format( configure_delay, cce.msg)) time.sleep(configure_delay) else: raise except ClientError as ce: if (ce.code == 202 or ce.msg == 'Transcode timeout') and i < configure_retry_max: self.logger.warn('Retry configure after {0:f} seconds'.format(configure_delay)) time.sleep(configure_delay) else: raise def post_photo_story(self, photo_data, size): """ Upload a photo story :param photo_data: byte string of the image :param size: tuple of (width, height) :return: """ return self.post_photo( photo_data=photo_data, size=size, to_reel=True) def post_video_story(self, video_data, size, duration, thumbnail_data): """ Upload a video story :param video_data: byte string or a file-like object of the video content :param size: tuple of (width, height) :param duration: in seconds :param thumbnail_data: byte string of the video thumbnail content :return: """ return self.post_video( video_data=video_data, size=size, duration=duration, thumbnail_data=thumbnail_data, to_reel=True) def post_album(self, medias, caption='', location=None, **kwargs): """ Post an album of up to 10 photos/videos. :param medias: an iterable list/collection of media dict objects .. code-block:: javascript medias = [ {"type": "image", "size": (720, 720), "data": "..."}, { "type": "image", "size": (720, 720), "usertags": [{"user_id":4292127751, "position":[0.625347,0.4384531]}], "data": "..." }, {"type": "video", "size": (720, 720), "duration": 12.4, "thumbnail": "...", "data": "..."} ] :param caption: :param location: :return: """ album_upload_id = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) children_metadata = [] for media in medias: if len(children_metadata) >= 10: continue if media.get('type', '') not in ['image', 'video']: raise ValueError('Invalid media type: {0!s}'.format(media.get('type', ''))) if not media.get('data'): raise ValueError('Data not specified.') if not media.get('size'): raise ValueError('Size not specified.') if media['type'] == 'video': if not media.get('duration'): raise ValueError('Duration not specified.') if not media.get('thumbnail'): raise ValueError('Thumbnail not specified.') aspect_ratio = (media['size'][0] * 1.0) / (media['size'][1] * 1.0) if aspect_ratio > 1.0 or aspect_ratio < 1.0: raise ValueError('Invalid media aspect ratio.') if media['type'] == 'video': metadata = self.post_video( video_data=media['data'], size=media['size'], duration=media['duration'], thumbnail_data=media['thumbnail'], is_sidecar=True ) else: metadata = self.post_photo( photo_data=media['data'], size=media['size'], is_sidecar=True, ) if media.get('usertags'): usertags = media['usertags'] utags = {'in': [{'user_id': str(u['user_id']), 'position': u['position']} for u in usertags]} metadata['usertags'] = json.dumps(utags, separators=(',', ':')) children_metadata.append(metadata) if len(children_metadata) <= 1: raise ValueError('Invalid number of media objects: {0:d}'.format(len(children_metadata))) # configure as sidecar endpoint = 'media/configure_sidecar/' params = { 'caption': caption, 'client_sidecar_id': album_upload_id, 'children_metadata': children_metadata } if location: media_loc = self._validate_location(location) params['location'] = json.dumps(media_loc) if 'lat' in location and 'lng' in location: params['geotag_enabled'] = '1' params['exif_latitude'] = '0.0' params['exif_longitude'] = '0.0' params['posting_latitude'] = str(location['lat']) params['posting_longitude'] = str(location['lng']) params['media_latitude'] = str(location['lat']) params['media_latitude'] = str(location['lng']) disable_comments = kwargs.pop('disable_comments', False) if disable_comments: params['disable_comments'] = '1' params.update(self.authenticated_params) res = self._call_api(endpoint, params=params) if self.auto_patch and res.get('media'):'media'), drop_incompat_keys=self.drop_incompat_keys) return res